Product Update: Page Counts, Login Customization & More

Thursday, September 10, 2009  

A significant behind-the-scenes update was released on September 10th. The most notable change is that EditMe's plans now measure the number of pages on the site rather than "disk space" used.

Not knowing how much disk space page content might require has led to confusion in choosing the right EditMe plan for customers signing up. Customers looking to start a site with EditMe are more likely to have an idea of how many pages their site might need, so the page count is now measured instead of disk space. The page counts have been set generously based on the number of pages used for larger-than-average sites among existing customers. See Pricing for details.

Attachment storage is now tracked separately, and is the only contributor to the tracked disk space utilization for sites. Since page content and other factors are no longer considered in the calculation of disk space used and allocations have not changed, this amounts to an increase in the amount of storage for all existing plans.

The larger vision behind this upgrade will be a move to a more feature-segmented set of plans and less focus on disk space and bandwidth as plan differentiators. Stay tuned for new plan configurations.

Login Form Customization

Login forms can now be customized with a message at the top based on the reason the form is shown (e.g. to serve a login request, to indicate access denied, etc.). This allows customers with specific messaging to include on the login form to do so. A module will be made available soon to manage these messages. In the mean-time, EditMe support can enable this capability on your site by request.

The Login form can also now be replaced entirely with a customized implementation. This option is available to developers by request or via EditMe Professional Services.

Change Notification Emails

Change notification messages now include a link at the bottom explaining why the message was sent with a link to the Preferences page where notification preference can be adjusted.

The notification system is now protected against failures possibly leading to missed changes. In the past if EditMe's email alert system failed to run properly, the next successful notification would still only include changes from the previous 2 hours, 24 hours or week. Notification emails now include all changes since the last notification ran successfully to avoid the possibility of missed and/or duplicate changes being sent.

Powered by EditMe: Help Spread the Word

A new "Display EditMe Link in Footer" option can be found at the bottom of the General Settings screen. If checked, a "Powered by EditMe" link will be included at the bottom of each page. Sites created before this release need a minor layout modification to support the link display. EditMe support staff will be updating layouts for sites that have this option checked to include the link. So if you enable this feature, don't be alarmed if the link doesn't show up right away. Thanks for helping spead the word!

API Enhancements & Fixes

For developers, the following API changes included in this release may be of interest:

  • A new server.visitorIP property allows retreival of the current user's IP address.
  • New login and logout functions on the User object allow users to be logged in and out programmatically.
  • The user specified in page.user is now respected when calling
  • A bug in server.scheme that resulted in http being returned instead of https in certain circumstances is now fixed.


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